Sunday, April 06, 2014

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival: Holland or the Pacific Northwest?

Spring is always one of my top seasons for Seattle. The city feels fresh, the UW cherry trees stand in bloom, and the weather is hinting at the warmth of summer to come. On top of all of the flowers and trees in the city, we also have the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon. It is about an hour and a half to the north and offers a taste of what Holland is like around this time.

If you are planning on heading up, the time is almost right. The fields are in the process of blooming and should be at full bloom within the next couple of weens (4/12 to 4/20). Right now, there are more than enough to be surrounded by flowers and for them to be a sight to see, but in a week or two it will be overwhelming. It really is quite pretty and for $5 (including parking), this is a pretty inexpensive excursion.

For more information, click here to check out their website and here to see a map of the fields that are currently in bloom!

After the break, nine more pictures of the fields and flowers! Click just below to see the rest!

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